Step Up for your community!
TD StairClimb in support of the United Way Elgin Middlesex returns in person on Thursday, November 3, 2022 – and at a new venue, London’s premier event centre Budweiser Gardens!
TD StairClimb is a fun and lively fundraising event that helps United Way Elgin Middlesex support our neighbours in need. Take steps to help United Way Elgin Middlesex reduce and prevent poverty, provide emergency and basic needs, provide safe and affordable housing, and promote social and economic inclusion for all.
When you register for the event, the online system will help you raise pledges while you collect points for activities including dollars raised, recruiting your friends, adding photos of past years climbs, recording fitness activity and more.
Follow us @unitedwayemca and tag #TDStairClimb as you get ready for your TD StairClimb for United Way.
Click Here to register!